how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school
re... : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            04/06/2014 22:21 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Hi Valerie Was just reading you post and was wondering how i could get hold of you as i really need to speak to someone regarding my daughter as she is 9 years old and in 2nd class and is really struggling at school, have spoken to her teacher already many times this year and all i get told is " she´s grand ". My daughter came home is evening and had a very simple maths question to do, but she landed up in tears by the end of it. I was shocked and very sad, my heart broke for her as tonight i realized that i have to now take matters into my own hands and stop just excepting what her teacher is saying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
re... : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            01/06/2011 12:15 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- I suggest that you arrange a meeting with the principal of the school as soon as possible and discuss what can be done to support your daughter in learning. The principal would be in the best position to advise you on what is available and how it could be applied for in the school. In the meantime, you can help your daughter by encouraging her at every given opportunity. Encouragement is an excellent way of building a child’s self esteem. Try to notice the little steps that she makes and comment on these – “you did very well with that writing, well done!”. When encouraging be specific, that is the most sincere way to give encouragement. Again, you could add to the encouraging statement above by saying something like “look at how neatly you wrote the words and how you kept you writing exactly on the lines. Well done!” Double encouragement is an excellent way to really reinforce your daughter. Double encouragement is where you repeat the encouragement to another person who is significant to her at a time when she is present. For example, if her Dad is there and so is she, you could say “Dad, do you know how neatly (your daughter’s name) did her writing today. She really wrote very neatly and stayed on the lines. Why don’t you have a look for yourself – I am really proud of her!”. This is hugely encouraging for your daughter and will really help to build her self confidence and self esteem. Good luck and please let us know how you get on with the principal.
how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            30/05/2011 19:15 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- my daughter is have severe problems in class.she had brain tumour a couple of year ago and had chemo and radiotherapy and now is struggling in class do to loss of memory.she had a hse psychology assesment and they recommended that the school get help for far nothing has happened and school hasnt recommended her for a neps assessment..i do not know what to just concerned that my child is so down as a result that she cant keep up .i dont know what to do..
re... : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            31/05/2011 19:14 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- hi the school hasnt apllied for resources for her..shes in 4TH CLASS.last year she got a three in the drumcondra test they do and if she was below a £ she would qualify for some help with the resource teacher thats in the school
re : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            31/05/2011 11:46 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Hi I am a qualified Teacher with a BA in Montessori education. I have worked in schools Montessori and Primary schools around Cork and Dublin I have run creches in Dublin and Cork. I am also a qualified swimming instructor and lifeguard with years of experience dealing with children. I have completed courses in child psychology both in UCC and Cork college of commerce. I Have worked for childline in the past. I have worked with children after school who have had difficulty doing school work and have memory problems. I would love to work with you and your family in order to help your child to work to the best of her ability. I have worked in special educational schools in Cork. As of now I am currently living in Cork. I hope this is to your liking and if there is any other information I can offer you please do not hesitate to ask. Can I also mention I am fully Garda vetted and am willing to undergo the vetting process again if you desire. I have a full CV that I will forward you along with any references you wish however, my CV is on my work computer so I will be sure to send that first thing this evening. Wishing you and your family the best for the future whatever you decide Yours in good faith Valarie
re... : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            29/07/2014 12:47 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Hi, to the parent with a nine yr old struggling in school. I´m a qualified teacher and a parent. The class teacher saying ´she´s grand´ is not acceptable in my book if you feel your child is struggling. In my experience if they start to fall behind, kids can become frustrated and start getting into trouble by messing in class. If she is regularly getting upset as she can´t complete her homework I would arrange a meeting with the teacher, discuss any subject areas of concern (maths, English etc...). Discuss any test results (Sten scores v´s rest of class) and what can be done to improve these at home and school (does she qualify for resource hours etc??. Be prepared to work more with her at home yourself if she doesn´t qualify for resource hours. She may even need a grind to help her along. If the class teacher meeting doesn´t improve the situation ask to speak to the Principal. It´s important to make your case in a calm coherent manner with teacher and/or the Principal. Reading with kids at home and encouraging them to read will make a big difference if English is an issue. If it´s maths remember a lot of children struggle with this subject. Help them with the homework and give plenty or praise and encouragement. I ask my kids to work out small change at the shops, weigh out ingredients for recipes and to read the time for me during the day to improve their everyday mathematical abilities. There are maths games that can be played on the computer that can improve kids abilities in maths too! I believe by making maths part of everyday life kids will sharpen their skills at it in time. Hope some of this was a help..regards Betty123
re : how to get help for my daughter that is struggling in school            30/05/2011 22:08 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Sadly,the HSE will and does make recommendations, but the SENO overrules them. Unless your little lady meets very strict criteria, the SENO can and will turn it down. Do you know if the school applied for resource for her? What class is she in?How has she done in tests like the Drumcondras?If she scores above the 10th percentile she may not even get learning support. What class is she in?