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Urgent!           reply
05/10/2009 19:04 - Homework
My son has to translate an irish paragrph into english by tomorrow and even I tried to translate it. It is hard. Tried used online dictonaries and our own but they don´t have some of the words and some words have different meanings to them. This is for 5th class. Can anyone help?

re... : Urgent!           reply
21/11/2009 18:51 - Homework
hi girl sorry for not getting back to you sooner the kids and myself were sick, i would try the cd that other lady said she had then he would be able to hear and sound out the word and that might help him hope it will

re... : Urgent!           reply
20/11/2009 19:49 - Homework
Sorry should have said my one comes with a CD so he hears the Irish and then practise. I´m using myself for Irish beginners and finding it very good especially the CD. Can get you the one without CD but I personally prefer CD.

re... : Urgent!           reply
11/11/2009 12:42 - Homework
What is your book called Deirdre? I got a couple from the library this morning.It is the grammar I find confusing.

re... : Urgent!           reply
06/10/2009 20:34 - Homework
I haven´t . The teacher has now asked him to answer the questions with go with the story for todays homework.

re : Urgent!           reply
06/10/2009 20:22 - Homework
Presume you are sorted out at this stage?

re... : Urgent!           reply
20/11/2009 19:45 - Homework
I have that book if you would like to buy from him. Am an official seller of all Usborne Books. It costs €12.50 plus p&P or where do you live. PM me if ya like.

re : Urgent!           reply
10/11/2009 16:13 - Homework
hope your have sorted it by now. surley the teacher should have given him a help with it or even a book that has english/irish spellings to help him/her out, i really think it is unfair for a child to do this they will be doing all this in secondary school i know they have to be able to do a bit of translating before they go to secondary school but in primary they should just learn the basics

re... : Urgent!           reply
11/11/2009 10:56 - Homework
hi zoe i had to get a irish for beginners for adam i know your son knows irish but this is a great book it has everything in isnt the same as when i was in school thats a long time ago but it has changed. hope you do get it sorted dee

re... : Urgent!           reply
15/11/2009 20:02 - Homework
hi girl its called beginners for irish its a book that starts from the start of irish learning how to say from hello to goodbye and how to have a conversation with someone its usbourne internet-linked irish for beginners its costs 7.95euro im finding it good as it has been about 20yrs since i have learn irish and it is helping me as well. hope it helps you and your son

re... : Urgent!           reply
11/11/2009 07:38 - Homework
No not really. I am doing some of the translating for him even though I am finding it hard also. He does know a few words. He also has an iris english dictonary but even I find it a bit confusing. So I am making my own which I will give him. Why can´t irish be simple like spanish?

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