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Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism           reply
09/11/2015 19:06 - Miscellaneous (Locality: Dublin North)
Hi Im new to this website, I´ve only just signed up in the hope of finding other parents who may have a child with Selective Mutism.
My daughter just turned 5 last week, Iv approached our GP and her teacher etc, all positive and waiting to hear back what the next steps are.
Meanwhile Im struggling and would really appreciate talking to another parent with experience of Selective Mutism.

re : Selective Mutism           reply
11/11/2015 21:57 - Miscellaneous
Hi my son age 8 has that Started school not speaking to any adult apart from his dad and I. I got a copy of Lucena child guidance clinic handbook on selective mutism for parents and school. It was very simple guidelines and with school and us and extended family all responding in same way it worked really well. He had speaking part in play last week. It can be so frustrating but with right help all will be fine. I should have copy still just delighted to say i haven´t had to use it in a long while.

re : Selective Mutism           reply
09/11/2015 22:32 - Miscellaneous
hi there
just to let you know that you are doing all the right son had this from age 4-7 but is 15 now and was tough.a child psychologist helped us with the help of the school .there is a fantastic uk site called smira which you should check out,loads of support but ask me anything you want to know

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