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NEED TO GET BACK WORKING ASAP!!!!!!           reply
05/01/2011 19:24 - Introduce Yourself (Locality: Kildare)
Hi my name is Samantha. I am a Very Reliable, Hard Working, Eneregetic 22yr Old extremely keen to get back work ASAP! Available to look after children in Enfield, Kilcock & Maynooth Areas. References Available.

re... : NEED TO GET BACK WORKING ASAP!!!!!!           reply
12/01/2011 21:47 - Introduce Yourself
Hi, I live in Johnstown Bridge Kildare Just Outside Enfield.... I would be very interested in minding your baby girl :) Would you be paying cash in hand or putting me through the books? what area are u living in?

re... : NEED TO GET BACK WORKING ASAP!!!!!!           reply
12/01/2011 21:50 - Introduce Yourself
Also sent u a PM with my experience :)

re : NEED TO GET BACK WORKING ASAP!!!!!!           reply
12/01/2011 19:44 - Introduce Yourself
I´m looking for a childminder for new baby girl who will be about 3-4 months when I return to work in March/April. We work shift work so the child minders hour would vary from week to week. Some example of the hours we would require: - 3 Week Rota
Week 1: Monday - Friday: 7:30am to 3:30pm - 5 Days Work
Week 2: Monday (Day Off) & Tuesday (Day Off), Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Week 3: Monday & Tuesday 12:00pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday (Day Off) & Thursday (Day Off) & Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm - 3 Days Work
Please e-mail me with details of where you live, experience and rates. Thanks Breda

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