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Mother is not happy with me minder other children

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
14/09/2014 08:17 - Miscellaneous
Whats sad is people/parents dont see childminding as a business..I provide a vital servive for working fully registered which has overheads...can you dictate what a hairdresser, dentist etc charges...I run my own business n parents delighted to have their children with me...sounds the same with the OP, parent waited for a place. What I meant by slippery slope is what will that parent insist on...I have a very clear contract in place which I run thro orally so preventing any issues but they still can happen on first meeting it , nip it in the bud immediatly n wont occur again.

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
11/09/2014 11:24 - Miscellaneous
hi I sympathise with your problem. You could stress how another child would improve social skills and speech. it would help child in long run with going to playschool and the child needs company of their own age just to laugh at silly stuff that we grown ups don´t the end you are providing a service hope this helps

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
13/09/2014 22:28 - Miscellaneous
Hi. Thanks for comment but if you read my discussion again I have explained that I told the mum. Not only that but a few months ago I told her then that I was asked to mind another child and told her then that the timing wasn´t right for me but I would eventually. She was totally on board then and agreed it would benefit her child. So definetly no surprises sprang.

re : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
11/09/2014 10:59 - Miscellaneous
Anyone. Please.

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
11/09/2014 15:40 - Miscellaneous
Ask her to pay you exclusively for your time n attention..say 12euro an hr...she will soon change her tune..the whole reason I can offer low rates is I can combine families so making a good rate per hr...
So true on the learning, socialising side, day flies with couple kids together.
Letting a parent get the upper hand in how you run your business is a slippery slope...

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
13/09/2014 18:50 - Miscellaneous
Thank you for your comments. Really appreciate it. I´ll keep you posted.

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
13/09/2014 23:01 - Miscellaneous
I agree with an earlier post re the benefits of social skills etc.... But i think the relationship with the parent is a really important aspect of your job..she seems to have reacted badly...I would advise to sit her down with a coffee and ask her what her concerns are, explain your situation. .but just keep communicating..after all she just wants the best for her child as we all do.

Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
10/09/2014 18:49 - Miscellaneous
Hi everyone.
I really need advice here. I am minding a toddler and I told the mother today that I would be taking in another child in particular as a companion for her child as mine are back to school. She had a complete meltdown and more or less said no way. I have never given the impression that I would not be minding others etc. how do I approach this matter while trying to stay professional. We love this little child but I can not have this women calling the shots like this. Any advice would really be appreciated.

re : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
14/09/2014 21:47 - Miscellaneous
Personally I would give her notice asap. It is not her place to tell you what to do.

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
15/09/2014 10:17 - Miscellaneous
Good morning Ladies. Thanks again for all your replies. It´s great to have this support forum. Firstly I would like to say I am a mother also and just because I mind children it does not take away from the fact that yes this is also a business I am running and a very good one. I have always had a great relationship with parents thank God. Until now. So I have been very fortunate and instead of taking things personally I need to draw a more professional line here between the relationships. I have always gone above and beyond, never minded the very late pick ups, no holiday charge, used my own children´s medicine and the list is exhaustive. It´s a great learning curve, SOME parents want it all for nothing. They got it, but not anymore.
Before I sign off I would like to say a Big thanks to parents who genuinely appreciate their childminders. Thanks again.

re : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
13/09/2014 20:51 - Miscellaneous
I think you should have told her from the beginning so she would not be surprised. .being honest and open is really important...Im appalled at the comment that children are a business..

re... : Mother is not happy with me minder other children           reply
14/09/2014 21:06 - Miscellaneous
you cant let this woman dictate who you can and cant mind.its your childminding service.sit down and have a chat about the end of the day it will benefit her child.
i also agree with minderofchild if you are a self employed childminder paying tax and prsi then yes it is a bussiness.same goes for a creche that is a bussiness aswell both have overheads to pay.for anyone childminding who is registered or paying tax/prsi then its no not a bussiness.

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