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Homework - the big debate

re : Homework - the big debate           reply
27/01/2012 16:26 - Homework
This is a very big issue. Why is there so little discussion around this, and why is there no response from teachers etc?

Homework - the big debate           reply
22/01/2012 17:51 - Homework
News Alert:

Award Winning Academic Doctor Calls For Investigation Into Excessive Homework Levels In Irish Primary & Second Level Schools

(Dublin, Ireland November 14th 2011).

‘’The Irish education system is stuck in a vortex & homework is actually creating bad habits for life in our Nation’s children,’’ according to Dr. Naoisé O’Reilly, a Dublin based International Educational Facilitator.

Dr. O’Reilly believes that there’s an endless cycle of parents out there who just expect their children to be given homework & this in turn leads to teachers prescribing massive amounts of homework - like a useless drug. She added that, ‘perhaps parents should start asking the question... how does doing homework help you get on in life?’

‘’There are far more creative & effective ways for young people to retain important facts & information & extensive research in this field at home & abroad has led me to discover that homework is a pointless exercise that is eroding Irish family life with family time & even weekends being eaten into to as a result. In the workplace it’s not advisable to bring your work home... so why are our children being taught to bring work home for the duration of their school years?’’ said Dr. O’Reilly.

Existing Junior & Leaving Cert study plan material lacks any resemblance of a cohesive structure & I’m afraid it’s a case of every teacher for themselves. The question must be asked... why are exam students being made to do homework on top of exam study?

People with learning difficulties eg. dyslexia, aspergers, dyspraxia, visual & hearing impairments generally work 3 times harder than fellow students. So from about 6 or 7 their parents are under huge strain to support them through the educational process. There are examples of parents actually doing their homework for them just so they won’t get into trouble in the system.

Dr. Naoisé O’Reilly, who has herself battled with severe dyslexia since she was just 4 years of age, is available for Interview by calling 085-1129 660 or e-mail:

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